We had our Rain Day Meetup and the Hall was packed full as always. You could see how ready and fired up we all were!

I was all glammed up and bubbly as I made my way to the venue. I could not wait to meet all these powerful women in my team and share with them the new strategies and methods we had been secretly working on.

There's so much fulfillment in building your dreams around people. In the end everything you have is summed up in your network!

rain, meetup

The sessions were punchline direct and straight to the subject matter.

I absolutely love these events where like-minded people rub minds and get inspired together. 
Looking forward to hearing some awesome testimonials and impacting & receiving knowledge as well.

rain, meetup
Meeting after the meeting and the smiles are magical!

Meeting after the meeting with Colette Morris, Adeshola Adetunji and Nena Bjerke, Regional Sales Manager who flew in all the way from Norway to support us. Thank you so very much, Nena, we truly appreciate you!πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜

We discussed some fantastic ideas around this table, and all I'm going to say is, you can watch us or join us. You haven't seen anything yet!

We are still warming up. Our take off is just around the corner and we are still open to passengers! Stay glued to this blog space!!!!

By the way, have you seen my upcoming engagement at the
Authenticity Women's Conference? Please join me at this event. I look forward to seeing you there!

Authenticity Women's Conference!!
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