"If you never heal from what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you." - I first came across this quote about a year ago. I was like WHOAAAA. That's so true!

Remember when I wrote "Who Says Divorced Single Mums are Weak?", it was one of my healing stories.

I have had to put myself in the picture of that quote. I asked myself the question - Shayo, have you fully healed from what hurt you or are you still bleeding on people who didn't cut you? Well, the honest answer was, I hadn't fully healed. I still had trust issues back then and it still resurfaces every now and again, even now.

However, this is one thing I have learned: Getting hurt may not have been my fault, but getting healed is 100% my responsibility.

Your Bleeding Does not Hurt Only You

It's just not fair putting the burden of past failures/mistakes on somebody else. It's not fair allowing somebody else to pay for your pain. Bleeding on people who did not cut you is absolutely unfair.

I mean, if they truly love you and care, they will immediately want to help care for the wound, clean it and bind it and soothe you until it heals. Yet, if you keep taking off the bandage and picking on the wound, how long do you want them to keep helping you bind this wound?

You see, your healing is your responsibility. You have to decide to get healed for YOU! You have to decide to get healed so you don't keep bleeding on people who didn't hurt you. You have to decide to get healed, so others don't continue to carry the burden of your past. It's just not fair on people.

Why People Abuse those they Love

One thing I have discovered about abusers is that there is a root cause.

Read this blog I shared early in the year: What's the Right Way to Raise a Girl?

Something went wrong in their foundation. Something happened to them at some point in their life and because it wasn't dealt with and because they did not seek help, they have become the person they are today.

In as much as that is understandable and explains their behaviour, does it excuse it, however? NO, IT DOES NOT!

Yes, you were hurt.
Yes, you were betrayed.
Yes, you were molested.
Yes, you were abused.
Yes, you were cheated on.
Yes, you were made to feel worthless.
Yes, you were accused of a crime you did not commit.
Yes, you were lied on.

We understand....that explains how you feel and act....but does it justify it? NO, IT DOES NOT.


Please, take responsibility for your healing and stop bleeding all over those who did not cut you.

If this rings true for you, just take it and say ouch. Then go work on yourself!!!

A new and profound perspective to the law of attraction just occurred to me. Everyone who desires a better life is taught to believe in this ancient law.

Almost no self-improvement book fails to mention this concept. It's discussed like a verse from sacred scrolls yet it doesn't work every time for everybody.

I went to Nigeria for a few days to spend some time with family. ❤❤

I usually take times like this to also meet with my other family. Those that are working with me to build a new empire through network marketing.

I can't but spend at least 1 day with my business family though. It's important to nurture these relationships also.

I also went to the office for some business training!

Got the Dream Builders in Lagos, together and we had an awesome experience.

I realize early that if I want to attract more then I cannot hate my work or the people I work wit. That I must nurture them with love and affection.

This gave me an opportunity to revisit the reasons behind what I do. Why I love what I do and the people I work with.

Hate Sabotages the Law of Attraction

The law of attraction can not change anything in your life that you hate, because hate prevents the change from coming. Since the law is giving us exactly what we are putting out, when you hate something the law must continue to give you more of what you hate. You will not be able to move away from it.

Love is the only way!❤

In order to grow better business, you need to develop better loving relationships with those you work with. Even with family. Because if you hate where you are so much, it becomes even harder to leave and progress. Hate is also a potent force for attraction.

However, if you focus completely on the things you love, then you are on your way to a beautiful life.

Let love rule you today!❤❤

Before you leave the blog, take a minute to pause and reflect on how much love you give to the people and places you spend most of your time.

What's that thing that you hate, decide to let it go today.

Subscribe to the blog for more inspiring content like this and leave me a message in the comment below. Together we all thrive again.

This post contains some thoughts on Giving which would be helpful for you this week. It's important to know how much value comes with a heart that gives.

"Giving opens up the door to receiving. You have so many opportunities to give every day.

Give kind words. Give a smile. Give appreciation and love. Give compliments. You can give courtesy to other motorists while you are driving. You can give a smile to the car parking attendant. You can give a warm greeting to the newspaper stand person or the person who makes your coffee. You can give by allowing a stranger to go ahead of you into an elevator, and you can give by asking which floor they are going to and pressing the button for them. If someone drops something, you can give a helping hand by picking it up for them. You can give warm embraces to those you love. And you can give appreciation and encouragement to everyone.

There are so many opportunities for you to give thereby opening the door to receiving." ~ The Secret

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."~ The bible.

And so on this beautiful Sunday morning, I give you my best wishes for a truly great day.

opportunities, give

May you find answers to your questions.
May you be led to your helpers of destiny.
May your heart be filled with joy and your burden lightened. 
May you discover your purpose on earth.
May you know how to make your days on earth count.
May the mention of your name bring smiles to peoples faces always.
May you live an impactful and meaningful life.
May your days be long and in great health.
May you see a thousand reasons to get up daily and pursue you dreams.
May your dreams come true according to God's will for you.
May the hands of the Lord continually be upon you and
May God grant you peace! AMEN!!

Loving life is an important part of the process. Success stories are birthed from a place of contentment and self-worth. What You Focus on Grows!!

If you want to build a better life, then love the one you have already. Love it with all the strength you have.

The biggest battle is in the mind. If you believe that you deserve to be the healthiest, fittest version of you, the rest is easy.

All I then need to do is dress up & show up to life.

As soon as I step out of my house and inhale the fresh, crispy air, I'm all ready to go. I remind myself always to avoid seeds of negativity.

I'm sat here in my study, my blind is up - the sun is not out to play today. There are dark clouds instead, it's raining.

I sit back and reflect for a second and with a smile, I say - I love my life!

I go on to listening to Robbie Williams' I love my life back to back. The chorus especially goes on repeat:

I love my life
I am powerful
I am beautiful
I am free
I love my life
I am wonderful
I am magical
I am me
I love my life
...and finally, I'm where I wanna be

I am looking through my back office, checking numbers, names, volume, points, finding our team's next success stories.

A realization dawns on me:

"You will always be too much of something for someone; too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round off your edges, you lose your edge. Apologize for mistakes. Apologize for unintentionally hurting someone - profusely. But don't apologize for being who you are." ~ Danielle LaPorte

The right people will love you just the way you are - with your roundness, loudness, softness, craziness and all.. Just be yourself. The right people will find you and STAY! They will do this because they can see how much you love your own life!

One thing I love about our industry is "you can't get to the top without creating some success stories along the way." As you know, I love Network Marketing like it's my life.

The reason for this love is simple. We continue to create success stories week after week on my team. The income testimonials in our presentations are truly mind blowing.

I am super grateful for where I'm at and the success stories we've been able to create so far. A common factor for me along this path has been the amount of love that radiates through the teams.

I Want More!!

I want to put a smile on more faces week after week.
I want to help more single mothers afford a treat for their kids.
I want to help more families have money to put aside for the family holiday. 
I want to help the struggling father put food on the table.


It really isn't hard to earn $200 extra PER WEEK with us. Will $800 EXTRA every 4 weeks make a difference to you and your family?🤔

If YES, please get in touch. I am looking for my next success stories. In the end, the amount of success we can create relies on how much we have come to love our own lives.

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