It is summer and kids are eager to play and exercise outside, however this is extremely dangerous for some kids, especially in the United Kingdom. The past few weeks have been critical for citizens in the United Kingdom as they recorded temperatures over 40C (104F), which led to fire blazes. High temperatures are dangerous, making healthy living difficult for both children and their caregivers. However, it is possible to stay safe during this heatwave.

Read Also: Top must-have essentials To Make Summer Enjoyable for your kids

Firstly, parents are encouraged to keep an eye on any symptoms. Hot weather causes loss of body fluids which can lead to dehydration, skin rash, irritability or weakness. As soon as you notice any unusual symptoms, contact your paediatrician.

Other symptoms in babies include:

  • Refusal to drink
  • Dry skin
  • Dizziness
  • Extreme exhaustion
  • Fever
  • Vomiting

All of these are symptoms that you should look out for in your children, as ignoring them can lead to more complications. While this blog post does not prescribe any form of treatment for these symptoms, you will learn a few tips to combat the heat and protect your children from heat-treated diseases. 'Water is life', you must have heard this a couple of times. Well, water is much needed at a time like this. So, keep your kids hydrated. Encourage them to drink water and ensure that it is easily available. If you are going out, take along some water bottles.

Children who are breastfeeding should be fed more frequently, especially for mothers practicing exclusive breastfeeding. Besides water, getting sunscreen is important. Sunscreen with an SPF is recommended for children above the age of six months. Whenever you are going out, apply sunscreen on your kids and yourself and save yourself from skin burn. Furthermore, when you are indoors, keep your rooms cool by closing curtains, especially if your room is facing the sun. Using a fan or air conditioner in the room is beneficial.

According to a speech by the UK Cabinet Office Minister, “People need to take care, do all the stuff they would do when it is very hot – wear a hat, drink water – but critically also the most vulnerable groups – the elderly, those with cardiovascular problems and the very young – that people look out for them and take care."Finally, the NHS advises parents to give babies a cool bath before bedtime and keep nightwear to a minimum. Ensure that your baby sleeps at a room temperature between 16C and 20C, you can monitor the room's temperature with a nursery temperature.

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From the moment they are born, kids begin to feel things that they communicate in their own way and in responding, the parents also communicate back to them. But over time, as the excitement of having them dwindles and the reality of raising them sets in, communication suffers. Most times, everybody is talking but nobody is communicating.

Communication between parents and kids is having conversations that mentally stimulate and help to develop both parties emotionally. It also helps to build and strengthen the bond between kids and their parents. I can imagine someone rolling their eyes and thinking, “but I don’t have time for small talk.” I understand, and I am not saying it is easy to make this happen, but if you’ve been around me for a while, you’d know by now that I am for team “give it a try” and “baby steps”. So, don’t worry. If you are willing to put in some effort and take some baby steps, I believe you will get it right.

Read Also: Four Vitamins That Will Incredibly Boost Your Children's Immunity. 

Also note that communication is not always verbal, and we’d be looking into both verbal and non-verbal communication in this piece. Here are some tips to help you communicate effectively with your kids irrespective of your schedule.

Recognize and Acknowledge Their Feelings: We all have different emotions but the difference between adults and kids is that we’ve had these emotions longer than they have. Did their pet die? Did they fail a test? Lose a tooth? Or, did their best friend find a new friend? Ask them questions to help them figure out the emotions behind each event that happens in their lives and acknowledge each feeling.

Get Them to Talk and Don’t Interrupt: If you’ve had a long day and your kid wants to share the events of their day with you, chances are you already know how the story ends. But to help them become better communicators, you have to listen. Kids watch and imitate you; you can’t train them to listen if you don’t listen to them. You can also get them to talk by starting the conversation and seeking their response. If you think your child is lying, don’t attack them; instead, ask open-ended questions that allow them to say more and explain themselves so you can intervene accordingly.

Use and Observe Body Language: Understanding your child’s body language will help you communicate better with them. Through their body language you can tell if they are comfortable in a place or with a person or not. With this information, you can now proceed to have a verbal conversation to verify your assumptions. Also, as a parent, kids can read your body language so be sure you’re passing the right messages because unlike you, they may not verify why you are being the way you are. If your kid takes their bike out against your wish and they get hurt in the process causing you to rush home in the middle of work or spend an unbudgeted amount on getting them treated, don’t create a hedge of fire around yourself with your attitude. They may miss the point. Instead, make them know you are displeased with them and you might need a moment to let off the steam. You are human; they’d understand as they grow. 

Make Time for Them: You can only make communicating with your kids happen if you make time for it. Yes, you’re busy, but having conversations on your way to pick up groceries, on a drive back from school, on a walk with the dog, or while cooking can help strengthen your bond and develop their communication skills. Above all, kids need to feel safe and secure and having a strong relationship with them where communication is encouraged helps them to feel safe and valued. 

Read Also: Four Ways To Stay Fit and Active as a Stay-at-Home Mum

Finally, having a relationship where trivia issues can be discussed is a foundation for big and serious issues to be shared without fear of being ignored, disbelieved, or silenced. If you make time to improve communication with your kids, I can assure you that your worries would be reduced because you can be sure that they’d tell you anything and everything.  

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"Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some are happy and some are exciting. All over the world, families, businesses and governments are going through a novel chapter right now. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds."

Many people all over the world are on "Chapter Sad" right now, they are going through the pages in that chapter over & over again. They are stuck in that chapter, they have refused to turn the page that starts the next chapter. They are stuck.

They are paralysed with fear, they keep playing the negative news over and over and over in their mind, they keep feeding their mind with the sad news from all over the world, they have their TV on the news channel 24/7. Negative news is all they hear all day every day.

All over the world, families, businesses and governments are going through a novel chapter right now.

Their fear level is through the roof, faith has been squeezed out. The more they stay in Chapter Sad, the more sad news there is. It's coming closer, it's hitting close to home now. They know somebody who has been affected. In fact, they hear about someone they know passing on daily. This is becoming scary. You are scared. People remain glued to the TV, and they continue to focus on the negatives. They forget that whatever you focus on grows!


"Remember that the same flood that destroyed the earth lifted Noah up!!"

I know it's hard to see anything good coming out of this. It really is. But the Bible says all things work together for good.

My people, all things MUST work together for my good, even this pandemic.

Choose not to get stuck on "Chapter Sad"
Choose to turn the page
Choose to expect some good to come out of this
Choose to let faith rise
Choose to speak life ONLY

"Remember, the same flood that destroyed the earth lifted Noah up!!"

Much love

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In recent times, I reconnected with some of my secondary school classmates. Many I had not heard from for 25+ years!

Sadly we've lost some over the years. May their souls rest in peace. AMEN

I'm grateful for these reconnections, and the memories rushing back. It's interesting how some of us have not changed. The old nicknames, games, best friends and so on. We are still young at heart and merry even.

Part of reconnecting with old friends is also sharing what has happened in your life. For me, the biggest story is that I'm happily divorced. Many don't understand that but it's ok. 🤷🏾‍♀️

This fact has also struck up some interesting conversations. Funny how a dear friend was telling me qualities about me that she knew 20+ years ago. It started from me owning my truth.

Another interesting lesson this conversation showed me was how those of us who knew a bit about love and building a beautiful relationship got it wrong. Isn't that ironic? Despite giving all sorts of relationship advice, we are still fallible as well.

It's why I have chosen to be more intentional about my life moving forward. I own the mistakes and do more with the life I have.

"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it."

You were created to do much more than just pay the bills and die.

You were made for much more than working at a job you do not like for 40+ years so you can retire at 65/70yrs!

There are other destinies tied to yours. My old mentor called it "a chain of destiny."

I hope and pray that you find the courage to stop settling for whatever life throws at you and start running after the dreams that have been placed on your heart. Love and life will find you.

You deserve so much more!

I woke up with holy anger this morning. I was angry about how we allow the enemy, the issues of life, our worries steal our joy.

So, I decided to command my morning and my week. I spoke LIFE into my day and my week. I spoke LIFE into situations and people I carry close to my heart. I spoke LIFE over my business and my finances.

After a bit of calm, I decided to check my Facebook memories and saw this post I shared a year ago. It was a post by my brother Nnamdi Jarrod Wilkins-Agomo.

They can take your coat, but they can't touch your covering!!! Hallelujah.

"KEEP PUSHING - They can take your coat but they can’t touch your covering! Joseph was very gifted and could hear from God in his dreams. His brothers were very jealous of this gift and the beautiful coat he got from his father who favored him.

So they conspired against him and sold him into slavery. They thought what was ON him (coat) made him special, not knowing it was what was IN him (covering/gift) that did. They threw him in the pit with the coat, but he was still covered! Even when he was moved to prison - still covered! Once he got to the Palace, God, his Covering, made sure his brothers saw their weapons formed but didn’t prosper.

So it is with you. No matter what your enemies do, you are still gifted in the pits and prisons of life. So keep doing what you’re doing because your Palace awaits. No man can stop what God allows. (Genesis 37-43)
Repost - @porsheawilkins"


Let's go make it an incredible day and your best week yet!

"Be bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart and strong enough to live the life you've always imagined."

Your life is your story, write well..edit often!👌🏾

I believe that in life, you have to give things your best shot, do your best. You have to focus on what needs to be done, do the right thing, not the popular thing.

David Cameron

You create whatever it is you focus on consistently.👍🏾

What are you focusing on? 
What has been or what will be? 
What you don't want or what you DO want? 
The life you have right now or the one you would like to have? 
The lack in your life right now or the abundance that could be? 
The love you thought you had, which turned out to be your worst nightmare or the true love you desire? 
Your job you go to daily just so you can pay your bills or finally being able to do what sets your soul on fire and brings you fulfillment?

Whatever you think about, you bring about.
Whatever you focus on becomes your reality.

Change your focus and change your life!!

I don't know why, but this scripture just dropped in my spirit:

Psalm 126:1-2.

1. When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.

2. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.

3. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.

I have learned that when things happen unplanned this way, it's because somebody needs to hear, read or see this.

So, if this is for you, be encouraged. The road you're on right now may look dark and heading nowhere, but He's going to turn it around.

Maybe, you were once comfortable; you had all you thought you would ever need, and then life happened and things went south for you.

Please hang in there, it's not over for you.
When the Lord turns things around for you, people will begin to call you - Mosebolatan - I thought his/her wealth had finished. Your response will be - Ola o tan, ola ku seyin jaburata - wealth is not finished, it is limitless!!!

So, please tell them not to mock you yet. Tell them not to laugh at you yet. You will rise again!

I may fall 7 times, but know this, I WILL RISE AGAIN!

Feeling this so strong in my spirit this morning.

That state of depression is not yours
That state of defeat is not yours
That state of self pity is not yours
That state of sadness is not yours

You were born to win, and it's not over until you win!!


You are the head, and the head shall you be.

To every man/male feeling crushed, feeling like they've lost their manhood, their headship, their place, either by your fault or not.....You were made to lead, to guide, to love, to direct, to protect, to serve in love....


Please know that it's not over!
You will rise again.
Learn the lessons from your mistakes and get back in the game of life, this time, determined to get it right, determined to make an impact, determined to leave an enviable legacy, determined to leave this world a better place.

You are loved
You are cherished
You are honoured

Not every woman talks down on men
Not every woman looks down on men
Not every woman is out to get you
Not every woman wants to take from you

Some women want to add to you
Some women want to speak life over you
Some women want to see you occupy your place in society
Some women want to support your dreams and aspirations
Some women want to bless you
Some women want to see you fulfil your purpose on earth

So, this day I (and other women who would join me this morning) pray and speak life over our men...

It is well with you
Your glory shall be seen again
No longer will you be called desolate or forgotten
You will rise again
You will take your place in society
You will impact those you've been called to impact
You will be a great and shining example to our boys and our girls too
We call you blessed
We call you the sought after of the Lord
You are blessed and highly favoured
Your place is the head, that is how God made it and that is how it is....the Lord himself will teach you how to lead in love
Great shall be your peace

No more shall you be trodden upon
You are rising again
Your light is shining again
Your wealth is coming back

We speak life over you and we bless our men today. AMEN!!!

prayers, scriptures

How do you spend your weekends? I had an amazing time with Anita Bradshaw at the Powerhouse Global Leadership Conference 2019.

I was excited to speak at the Powerhouse Leadership Conference 2019. It was another chance to birth some dreams today!🙌🏾🙌🏾

Powerhouse Global Leadership Conference 2019 today was the most empowering place to be this weekend.

It was a great day of learning and forming quality relationship. Events like this should not be missed.

What an absolutely amazing event put together by Lady Anita Bradshaw today.

Thanks to Anita for inviting me to speak at the event. It was great connecting with all the other speakers and attendees.

My dear Colette, Sis Modupe and Sis Olayinka, thank you so very much for coming out to support me. I appreciate you all so very much, you could have been anywhere else today, but you chose to honour me with your presence here.

Thank you!💕💕😘😘❤❤

Whatever you're thinking and feeling today is creating your future. ~ The Secret

Someone asked me if snorkeling & diving in the Red Sea were on my bucket list. My answer; "hmmm, no, they were not😲."

But I always think about the sea, my vision boards over the years have included pictures of the sea. I love the calmness, serenity, and just enjoying the most beautiful views. I love admiring God's handiwork in nature, I've always said that my happy place is the sea.💃🏾💃🏾

My dream home will be by the sea. I look forward to waking up to such beautiful views. 🙏🏾🙏🏾

Did my thoughts & feelings create this past weekend in Egypt? Absolutely YES!!!

Thoughts become things!!!👌🏾

What are you thinking?

According to Andy Fuehl, there are three things you must do in order to become wealthy:


You may have followed my recent trip to Egypt and all the adventure I had at the Red Sea. Just imagine I allowed fear to stop me.

What if I allowed the fear of drowning or getting killed by an imaginary shark stop me?🤔
What if I chose not to trust the qualified instructors who had years of experience between them?🤔
What if I chose to stay in my comfort zone?🤔

I would not have achieved one of my biggest accomplishments till date - snorkelling & diving in the Red Sea.

In fact, this story of my adventures will be passed on from generation to generation.👏🏾👌🏾 I would not have seen the most amazing creatures under water. I would not have seen what the sea bed looks like.👏🏾🙏🏾

I chose to get out of my comfort zone.
I chose to trust the experts.
I chose to do something I never thought I would do.

Now, I am the better for it...
I've got beautiful memories to cherish forever, stories to share at each family reunion until everyone gets bored of hearing it, my children will then continue telling the story...🤣🤣🤣🤣

What fears are you allowing to stop you?🤔
Fears are not real. They are in your imagination.😲

People, whatever those fears are, they don't matter. Do it afraid.🤷🏾‍♀️

Start that relationship.
Start that business.
Move to that new city/country.
Build that house.

If you can't stop thinking about it, do it - as long as you're not hurting yourself or anybody else in the process!👊🏾

Just do it. Do it afraid if you must, but do it!!🙌🏾👊🏾🙌🏾

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