Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting strangers and prospects into your downline or customer. The network marketing industry is saturated and highly competitive, making it difficult to find new prospects for your business. For many newbie network marketers, lead generation may be difficult; hence they need help. However, I have successfully built my business and income level from a newbie network marketer to a global network marketing trainer.

Here are five lead generation strategies:

  1. Maximize Warm Market: I often advise network marketers to maximize their warm leads. As a newbie marketer, leveraging your warm market is a great way to build your business. Your warm market will encourage you, believe in your dream, and support you. The best way to develop your warm market leads is to avoid assumptions and learn about each person’s desires and hopes. For example, a colleague at work has told you about their retirement plan; you can start your prospecting with “Hi, remember when you mentioned your retirement plan? Well, I have an opportunity for you.”
  2. Attend Physical Events: Despite the global pandemic and restrictions at physical events, you can still utilize small physical events such as hangouts, meetings, and seminars. Physical events such as seminars or parties provide opportunities to meet strangers. When you meet people at events or physical places, make friendly connections, exchange contacts so that you can follow them up the next day.
  3. Warm Market Referrals: Many opportunities abound in building a stable relationship with your warm market. Although some of your friends and families may not find your business enticing enough, they may refer you to their friends. For example, you can tell your friend, ‘I understand that you do not find this opportunity interesting. Do you know anyone who might be interested in this?’
  4. Social media platform: According to Statista, the United Kingdom was home to 53 million active social media users as of January 2021. You have about 53 million leads to convert as a network marketer. To start, capture the attention of your followers and friends with quality content about your opportunity. Your content should be able to persuade, educate and entertain your friend your business. Never forget to use a call to action.
  5. Product Trials: Product sales is one of the crucial elements of the network marketing business model. Providing products trials to your leads is an excellent way of converting your prospect to a lead. Moreover, once a prospect uses your product, you can use other products or benefits to entice them to become a distributor or team member in your company.

Do you want to convert your prospects to customers? These resources will be a game changer for you.

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