As I spoke in various parts of Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria this month, I saw a lot of businesses that just need to START. A lot of my listeners have one thing in common, they are hungry to get unstuck and start making big moves.

It's not a secret. Many people have remained stuck where they are because of people's opinion. They have refused to launch out, start a business they love because they worry about what others would think of them.

Some have remained stuck in an abusive, unhealthy, unhappy marriage or relationship because they do not want to be labelled a divorcee...they would rather raise their kids in a toxic environment, creating damaged children, than do what is right and uncomfortable, take a stand even if they stand alone.

"Many people have remained stuck where they are because of people's opinion."

Shayo Alofe

Some have let their dreams die because they do not want their family and friends to say "huh, a whole you. You are selling clothes, shoes, you are selling makeup, you are selling health supplements, you are doing that pyramid thing, you are doing network marketing. You of all people. What happened to your nursing career? You studied accountancy! but you have a first degree in Engineering physics etc."
They would rather remain stuck than pursue their dreams, fly, be free and live a fulfilled life!

You see, others opinion of you don't matter. It does not pay the bills!
The only opinion that matters is God's and guess what, He approved of it already. That's why you have that dream. That's why you can't stop thinking about that idea. Your steps are ordered. He put the dreams, ideas in your heart and He equipped you with the gifts and talents to birth your dreams.

Let this year be the year you become:


Can you imagine a life where you wake up because you are super excited about the things you've got lined up for the day?
You jump out of bed in -15 degrees weather because you can't wait to start your day.
It's no longer about money for you. It's now about purpose. It's the fulfilment you get at the end of every single day for doing what you were created to do!

This kind of life is possible. We all can live it, sadly many will not because they have allowed others opinion keep them stuck!

Get unstuck, people.

Discover your passion...
Create your own path........
Follow your bliss...................
There's no better and fulfilling way to live!

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