In recent times, I reconnected with some of my secondary school classmates. Many I had not heard from for 25+ years!

Sadly we've lost some over the years. May their souls rest in peace. AMEN

I'm grateful for these reconnections, and the memories rushing back. It's interesting how some of us have not changed. The old nicknames, games, best friends and so on. We are still young at heart and merry even.

Part of reconnecting with old friends is also sharing what has happened in your life. For me, the biggest story is that I'm happily divorced. Many don't understand that but it's ok. 🤷🏾‍♀️

This fact has also struck up some interesting conversations. Funny how a dear friend was telling me qualities about me that she knew 20+ years ago. It started from me owning my truth.

Another interesting lesson this conversation showed me was how those of us who knew a bit about love and building a beautiful relationship got it wrong. Isn't that ironic? Despite giving all sorts of relationship advice, we are still fallible as well.

It's why I have chosen to be more intentional about my life moving forward. I own the mistakes and do more with the life I have.

"Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it."

You were created to do much more than just pay the bills and die.

You were made for much more than working at a job you do not like for 40+ years so you can retire at 65/70yrs!

There are other destinies tied to yours. My old mentor called it "a chain of destiny."

I hope and pray that you find the courage to stop settling for whatever life throws at you and start running after the dreams that have been placed on your heart. Love and life will find you.

You deserve so much more!

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