Simple Tips That Will Instantly Improve Your Sitting Posture 

You've likely heard that sitting too much is not healthy. Sitting too much predisposes people to illnesses and health challenges. Unfortunately, the best of us spend half of our day sitting at our computer. Technology and the internet keeps a lot of us strapped to our computers and smartphones. If you are not working, you are either studying, in a meeting or seeing some movies on Netflix. On the other hand, we all appreciate the emergence of the internet, technology and several jobs, and we shouldn't be oblivious of the downsides of this reality. 

While you can not change your desk job, you can definitely change the way you sit. You can never overestimate the importance of good posture. It is one of the simplest ways to keep your spine healthy. 

It may take a few practices to eventually get the right sitting posture for your desk. But, when you do, you will certainly be doing your body some good. Sitting with proper alignment supports your muscles, improves your blood flow and keeps your bones healthy. 

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To get started, keep your knees at 90 degrees. Whether you are working or playing games, your elbows should be level with your desk and close to your body. This way, you don't have to extend your arms to reach your keyboard or mouse. At the same time, your lower back must be supported. So, if your chair doesn't have a built-in lumbar support, getting a small pillow behind you will be helpful. If the towel is too large, you may hurt your spine. Moreover, investing in the right gadgets or placing your monitors at a great angle is a plus. Ergonomic desk chairs are designed to support your body and reduce friction on your bones while you sit. These chairs are quite expensive and cost more than $100. While you may feel pressured, stressed or tired when working, the right posture keeps you relaxed.

Adjusting your chair can instantly improve your desk posture. Ensure that your legs are parallel with the ground and your hips and even with your knees. Moreso, your feet should be resting on the floor. You can elevate your feet to the right position using a stool. If you are wearing shoes or heels, removing them is the most comfortable. 

In addition, most enthusiastic computer users understand the importance of keeping their screens at eye level.  Depending on your type of computer, ensure that you adjust your monitor until it is about an arm's length away. If your computer's screen is too low or

high, it can strain your neck or eyes. In either case, you can place your monitor on stacks of books to adjust the height. If you want a formal tool, a monitor desk is more effective. A simple table like the AmazonBasics Adjustable Monitor Stand can add 5 inches of height to your monitor. 

In conclusion, though the modern workplace doesn't invite much movement, adopting these simple tips can prevent straining and pinching. While it may feel weird adjusting to a new position, with consistency your muscles will adjust to new habits. 

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