There's Never a Perfect Moment to do Something Positive.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment". How many times have you heard someone say that? I've heard it several times.

I've come with an appeal to you.

Do you love someone? tell them now.
Did someone hurt you? let them know now. Whether they apologise or not, forgive.
Did you hurt someone? Apologise now.
Do you miss someone? call, text or get up and go see them now.
You can't live without someone? let them know now.
Do you feel like complimenting someone? do it now, don't wait for another opportunity.
Do you want to spend time with someone? well, make it happen sooner, rather than later.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this; stop putting things off, stop procrastinating. The perfect moment or the right moment may never come.

Learn to seize each moment and make it a memorable one.

There's no better time than the present moment.

What's the point of blurting out your feelings after they are gone?

You're going to have to make the moment you've got now right/perfect.

"...stop putting things off, stop procrastinating. The perfect moment or the right moment may never come."

Shayo Alofe

Stop acting like you've got tomorrow. Nobody knows that for sure.

Yes, we pray that God keeps us all and satisfies us with long life. AMEN
However, you must learn to seize each moment you will live a much happier and burden-free life. Selah

Much love ~ 💗💕💗


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