Build Your Network Marketing Business Like a Regular Startup!

Most people I have spoken to about Network Marketing don't know that it's an opportunity to be a business owner. It helps to build your network marketing business like a regular startup because it is a regular startup!

See the Network Marketing career path as a start-up venture that requires your capital, time and commitment. This is not a day job. It's not some trial for luck scheme.

Frazer Brookes shares a similar thought in his book, I Dare You. He says: "One of the things I disliked the most in Network Marketing was the mind flow of giving something a year. 'Ok Frazer, I will join, and see how it goes after one year.' I would prefer them not to join. Do you get married to someone and think, you know what, I will give this a year and if my partner is up to scratch, I will continue the marriage for another year.

No, you are committed for the long term. The only real variable in Network Marketing is YOU."

As a business start-up, you need to consider your strategy in the long run. This strategy will be informed by your motivation. Why choose a career in Network Marketing? Why does this matter so much to you and to your potential network?

Becoming successful in Network Marketing is NEVER about a product (s) or a company! It IS about your WHY! Your Network Marketing company is simply a VEHICLE to help you achieve your WHY!

If you share with your prospects 'HOW' your company is helping you achieve your 'WHY', then the products or company do not really matter! That's how I could build a business in a wine company and not even be a wine drinker! It's not about the wine, it's about the access wine gives me to hundreds of millions of people who I can impact their lives and help achieve their WHYs.

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