How 3 Most Influential Female Executives Achieve Work-Life Balance 

Running a business, and managing a career, can be a burden for anyone. For most career women, their days feel filled with so many interruptions like meetings with the boards, interviews, and pitches. Besides these workloads, women constantly juggle between their commitments to their families and work, making balance difficult. Owning to the fact many women are climbing the strata of success in the corporate world, questions on work-life balance has become a major issue for women in general. 

Over the years, different women across the globe have succeeded in maximizing both their personal and professional life. Some of these women are business leaders, entertainment moguls, fashionistas, athletes, and entrepreneurs. This article is focused on sharing lessons on how the 3 most influential women manage their lives. 

  • Michelle Obama: Former First Lady of The United States of America. 

Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to be the First lady of a country? The national responsibilities to shoulder. Regardless, of these roles, Michelle has proved that a work-life balance is possible. The big question is how did she achieve that? 

To begin, prioritize the help of people around you. These people could be your partner, parents, or siblings. This allows room for you to keep an eye on your physical and mental health. Like Michelle once said. ‘If I am healthy and happy, then I am going to be a better support to my spouse and children'. Therefore, start by working on your physical and mental health. Create some personal rules to govern your choices, and learn to consider your kids as you climb your strides. 

  • Sheryl Sandberg, Former COO of Facebook 

Most workplaces place a disproportionate burden on female workers. Meanwhile, women are still fighting labor and salary disparity in their organizations. However, Sheryl has not only succeeded in a male-dominated industry but also managed to inspire younger women on the best ways to lean in and explore their potential. 

Every woman is capable of becoming frontiers in their organization. Consequently, making child support or hiring extra staff accessible. Undoubtedly, managing the home proves to be difficult because of financial restrictions. Hence, scaling your career to increase your income makes work-life balance realistic. In the same manner, negotiate with your colleagues and bosses to provide opportunities that improve your relationship with your spouse and kids. 

  • Melinda Gates, Cofounder Gates Foundation

Career advancement is a big deal, especially for women with younger children. Sometimes, these women are trying to fit into an aggressive environment and intense work. On a contrary, you can experience a great career push without an aggressive-toxic environment. Moreover, you must discover where you fit in. Ask questions about your industry, explore options and make the right choices. Learn to trust your instincts, find your way and develop your leadership style. Do not be scared of leaving when you don’t fit in. 

In summary, it is refreshing to see women leading. Thus, I believe finding work-life balance is possible with a handful of successful women across the globe. 

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