5 Simple Ways to Help Your Network Marketing Partners Grow Faster

I joined the Network Marketing Profession as a rookie but quickly learned how to grow as a partner. I think some of the strategies I learned along the way are quite significant of all I have learned. Today, let's talk about how you can help your Network Marketing Partners grow. Most people don't understand that successful partners are a requisite part of succeeding. For others who know, they continue to struggle with building a team of partners that grow exponentially.

5 Ways to Help Your Network Marketing Partners Grow

1. Independence:

Ensure EVERYONE becomes independent as quickly as possible. YES, make sure you start this process even from the very beginning. When they register, make sure they do it themselves. No, do not be tempted to do it for them. Yes, I understand that sometimes you just want to do it, make sure it's done and it counts for the week or the month. You do not want them to get "buyer's remorse". Doing their registration for them may give you immediate gain, but I promise you, it will give you long term pain. Why? Remember this, people do not do as they are told. They do what they see! They will take their own prospects through the exact same process they went through. If they don't know how to do the registration, they will come back to you to do it and you will have to do it because you want that volume to count for the week/month. Before you know it, you will become the Personal Assistant (PA) for your team and will enter a "Management" mode. Oops, nothing kills your dream faster! Let them do the registration. Guide them through, but let them do it.

2. Systems:

Every company and team should have a system they use in building the business, if not, GO CREATE ONE that works for you and your team. Teach partners the system from Day 0. What do I mean by Day 0? Start before they even get registered with you. Make sure you follow the system while prospecting them, inviting them to a presentation, following up and closing them. Remember, they will do to others as you've done to them. If you followed the system all through the process of bringing them on board, they will most likely do the same. SYSTEM IS GREATER THAN TALENT!

3. Industry Leadership & Exposure

Expose them to leaders outside of your team or company. My old mentor would say, "do not become an Island to your team members. Expose them to others." This is a tricky one. Many Network Marketers are afraid of doing this because they fear that their team members will be poached by other leaders from other companies. Well, that is a genuine fear and I understand it. However, the way you can mitigate this is by stepping up and becoming a top leader yourself. Become someone people want to be around. Create a culture on your team that your team members love and identify with. If you are a top leader that genuinely love others and support your team and you have an amazing team culture, people would stay with you. You may still lose some. However, trust me, those ones would never have stayed anyway. If they can be poached, they were never for you to begin with! You, however, must also be careful you expose them ONLY to people of integrity.

4. Push for Growth

Allow partners to make mistakes. Push them out of their comfort zones. Many people who have great leaders never maximise their potential because they stay in their comfort zone and allow "the leader" to do everything. Help prospects; Invite them to presentations. Be present, follow up, and close. Don't let them, after they've attained their second or third rank, start taking ownership of their teams just yet. Let them start taking parts of the presentation. Let them coordinate the testimonial part of your live meetings. Let them share their testimonial at your face to face meetings or even online. PUSH them out of their comfort zone. They may hate you for this right now but will love you more in the long run.

5. Mentoring

Let your partners know the importance of finding a mentor from the very beginning of their journey in this industry. A mentor shortens your journey towards success. they will guide you and show you pitfalls to avoid. The mentor does not have to be someone they have a one on one contact with. The mentor may not even know about their existence initially, they can learn from them from afar. But they must have someone they can learn from. Someone who has accomplished what they want to accomplish. For a start, they can just copy mentors, replicate what they did right, copy their daily routines, find out what their income-generating activities are. Then they can do the same.

I hope these tips have helped you.

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